About Us
Frater, Ennis & Gordon is a Jamaican law firm with over 30 years experience in Civil & Criminal Litigation, Land Matters, Wills & Estate Planning, Personal Injury, Family Law, Contract Drafting and Company Incorporation. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest standard of legal representation. We offer you timely solutions from a caring and real world perspective.
Located in Kingston and Ocho Rios, our Lawyers attend Court in Kingston & St. Andrew, St. Catherine, St. Ann and St. Mary representing our clients at all levels i.e., Parish Courts, the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal. We also have extensive experience representing clients at Mediation and Employment Hearings. Browse the rest of this website to find out more about our team, what we do and how we can help you find a legal solution that is right for you.
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(876) 922-6451Ocho Rios
(876) 974-9534